Juma'at Kareem Sms
Oh ALLAH! Your forgiveness is wider than our sins & we have more hope in your mercy than our deeds.forgive us ya ALLAH, accept our prayers and save us from our known and unknown fear,
protect us from the evil we see and that we don't see Ya Arrahmar rahimin. Juma'at kareem.
Islam is a gift from Allah SWT. We must appreciate this gift by Acting upon the rules. These rules will guide us to paradise. Juma@ kareem
Oh Allah, Glorified You are, in that You are absolutely above having any defect and doing anything meaningless, and Yours are all the attributes of perfection. We have no knowledge save what You have taught us. Oh Allah, we surrender to Your knowledge the choice of those who lead us. Barka da Juma'a.
Jumu@ Fadeelah! Don't 4gt 2 recite Surah Al-Kahfi, I ask Allah the most great to change your bad deeds to good deeds He is the one who can help you and he is the one that is capable of doing it and Allah the Almighty knows best.
O Allah! Respond to our du'as & heal our sickness, have mercy on our souls, defeat our adversaries & guide our loved ones, Ya Rabbal Aalameen. Jumma'at Kareem
Today i pray that:-
Happiness be at your door
May it knock early
Stay late & leave the gift of Allah's
Peace,love,joy & good health behind
Jumma mubarak!
Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumu’ah prayer) and does not separate two people sitting together (in the masjid), then prays as much as (Allaah has) written for him and remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven.
Jummah mubarak!
Salam to all what a nice feeling to be in Love With Allah...
No pain, no disappointment, no worries, no problems...
Just blessings mercy and peace of mind
Jumma Mubarak!
Our Lord !
Verily We Have Heard The Call Of One
(Mohammed SAW) Calling To Faith:
‘Believe In Your Lord And We Have Believed In Ours’.
Forgive Us From Our Sins And Remit
From Our Evil Deeds
Jumma Mubarak.
Nelghbors Rights In Islam
Prophet Muhammad(SAW) Said That
He Is Not A Believer Whose Neighbor
Is Not Safe From His Annoyance….
Jumma Mubarak
Islam Says…
When The Time Of Juma Prayer Comes,
Discontinue Every Activity
And Answer The Call To Prayer,
Meet Earnestly,
Pray, Consult And Learn By Social Contact,
And When The Meeting Is Over,
Scatter And Go About Ur Business…
Jumma Mubarak ….
Whoever Reads Surah-Al Kahf On Jumma,
Allah Promises He Would Have Light
In His Life That Shines
From One Friday To Next.
I Wish You Too Have The Same
With Blessings Through Out The Week.
* * * * *
“The young should say Salam to the old, the passer-by to the one sitting and the small-group to the large one” (Bukhari)
Jummah Mubarak!
A Person Asked Allah’s Messenger
(May Please And Blessings Be Upon Him)
Who Among Muslims Was Better.
Upon This Hand And Tongue,
Muslims Are Safe Under The Arms Of Allah.
Jumma Mubarak.
The Best Day On Which
The Sun Has Risen Is Friday.
Allah Created Aadam On It,
Made To Enter Into Paradise,
And Was Expelled To It.
And The Last Day Will Take Place
None Other Than On Friday.
May Our Deeds Attract Allah’s Love,
Noor And Barakah To Have Our Lives
Filled With Happiness,
Freedom And To Be Saved From Calamities,
I Wish You A Heart-Full Jumma Mubarak
To Achieve Such Deeds.
Jumma Mubarak SMS
The fact that you are able to make supplication
is already a sign of God’s mercy to you.
Jumaa Kareem Mubarak!
Sometimes Allah Fills Our Eyes With Tears
He Makes Our Eyes Washed Once In A While
So That We Can See Life With A Good Vision Again
Jumma Mubarak
May Allah Gave You Piety As Your Provision.
Forgive Your Sins,and Make Goodness Easy For
You Wherever You Are.
Jumma Mubarak
Today Is Friday . . .
The Day Of Acceptance Of Dua!
I Pray To Allah For U Nd Ur Family A Good Health,
Long Life,
Brilliant Success,
Barkat-e-kaseer In Ur Jan-o-mal,
Izzat, Eeman,
All Joys Of Life Which U Have Ever Wished.
* Aameen*
Jumma Mubarak.
Jummah Of Ramadan
Dear Allah….
Please Give Us A Chance To See Next Ramadan.
Please Give Long & Healtht Life To Our Parents.
Please Give Jannah To Those Muslims Who Are Not In This World
Please Forgive Our Sins.
Please Give Health To Sick People.
Please Send Good Proposals For Our Sisters & Daughter.
Please Bring Peace In Muslim Countries.
Please Give Freedom To Those Muslim Who Are Struggling For It.
Please Bring Happiness In Every Muslim’s Life.
Please Bring Back To Those Who Are Missing.
Please Allah Make Us Good Muslim.
Please Allah Help Muslim Against Their Enemies.
Please Give Us Haya.
Please Make Our Future Good.
Please Allah Don’t Leave Us Alone.
Please Give The Good Life Partner To The Boys & Girls.
Please Give Us A Chance To Do Umrah And Hajj.
Please Help The Poor.
Please Give Us A Power To Help Poor.
Please Give Me A Strength To Do Good Acts
Please Fulfill Our Legal Desires
Please Save Us From Fire Of Hell.
Please Give Us Place In Jannah After Death
Say ” Ameen”
Jumma Is A Wonderful DAY
“To Pray”
“To Love”
“To Care”
“To Smile”
“To Relax”
“To Thank ALLAH”
For All He Gives To Us
Jummah Mubarak.
Jummah Mubarak
Islam Says:
When The Time Of Jumua’h Prayer Comes,
Discontinue Every Activity And Answer The Call To Prayer,
Meet Earnestly, Pray, Consult And Learn By Social Contact;
And When The Meeting Is Over,
Scatter And Go About Your Business
I am entrusting two things to you, you will not go astray as long as you hold tight to them. They are the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet.
Jumma Mubarak!
n The Day Of Jummah
Recite Surah Fateha For 3 Times
Between Namaz (Prayer) Maghrib And Esha
Almighty Allah Will Arrange Livelihood For Next One Year.
One day our beloved Prophet (pbus) drew a straight line and said “This is it. This is the Right Path of the Almighty Allah.” Then he added other line leading to this line and said “these are the sidelines to this path. At the onset of every side road there is a Satan making a call.” Then he read the following verses from the Quran “There is no doubt this is my straight path, the right path. Keep on this path. Do not veer off to other paths. They will keep you away from the path of Allah. This is the advice Allah provides for you to keep you away from sins.
Jummah Mubarak
Let us pursue good and nice things that will help us get close to Him, not negative things that will drag us away from the Lord.
Jumma Mubarak!
“...Visit the sick, feed the hungry and set free the captives.” (Bukhari)
Jummah Mubarak!
“The signs of the hypocrite are three: when he speaks, he lies: when he promises, he breaks it when any trust is kept with him, he misuses it” (Bukhari)
Jummah Mubarak!
Dοn’t stress over Τhe things that yοu can nοt change. Μake “DUA” over Τhem. Jumma Μubarak..!!
Τhe more yοu remember Αllah swt at Τimes of Εase. Τhe more Ηe will remember yοu at times of Ηardship. Jumma Μubarak.
As Friday Shines Ιn The heart οf Muslims, Μay You Be Αmong The οnes Who ωill Receive The Ρeace And Blessings οf Friday Ρrayers … !!! Jumma Μubarak to All Μuslims!
Thus the Muslims have three Eids: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, which come once every year, and Jumu‘ah which is repeated once every week.
Jummah Mubarak!
Αllah has a Βeautiful plan for every wοmen and man
Τrust Allah and Ρray and Ηe will light Τhe way.
Jumma Μubarak!
A companion approaches the Prophet and says: “O Messenger of Allah! I try to keep in touch with my relatives but they never contact me.
I do them favors but they wrong me. I treat them warmly but they treat me with rudeness.”
Then, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) tells the companion that his relatives are at fault and says: “Allah will assist you as long as you keep up your attitude.
Jumma Mubarak!
We are getting dragged into experiencing joy, sorrow, existence, absence only by ourselves in cities where millions live.
We share the same building with dozens or even hundreds of people, yet we get lonelier every passing day. Our houses may be getting bigger, but our hearts are getting just as smaller.
There are many parents, abandoned to loneliness, who desperately wait for their beloved children to show up one day.
There are many relatives waiting for a call from anyone to ask them how they are.
There are many sorrowful, destitute people close to us who are looking forward to getting troubles off their chest even a little.
There are many neighbors who desperately need a greeting, a sincere smile, warmth, and fondness.
Jummaa Mubarak!
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